This morning we went to the cemetery in Guatemala City. The place is amazingly huge, and it looks like a mini-city. There we spent an hour with the children who either work at, or who's parents work at the cemetery. There are a few different jobs there, some of which are: planting flowers for the people who pay, doing cement work on the graves (all the graves are above ground, they do not bury the dead, but put them in a cement box above ground), painting graves, cleaning the garbage, ect. So a lot of these children go and basically live at the cemetery every day. Well, a friend of mine from the City started a ministry there, reaching out to these poor children who spend their days in the graveyard. They have a group ranging from 30-70 kids, each Saturday that they do the activity! So I was able to participate in this activity for the first time, and it was wonderful. You can see some pictures by clicking HERE.
After that, we ran straight to an activity in another part of Guatemala City, set up by Little Lambs International, for the Day Care that we are going to be opening in May of this year (Lord Willing). The activity was to basically be an announcing of our future plans for a Day Care so that the parents can start to fill in applications for their children. You can read a little bit more about the plans for the Day Care at Anyways, we had a great few hours there with the parents and kids, with the air-filled trampalines, music, games, and contests for prizes. You can see pictures from this activity by clicking HERE.
We ended the day with a meeting about the orphanage and day care, so it was a busy, but exciting day, and a blessing to be working in the Lord's Kingdom! Thank you all for your prayers and support.
awesome :)