This afternoon I had the opportunity to deliver backpacks to an orphanage in Zacapa. There are around 80 kids there, of all ages. The orphanage only had 33 backpacks for the 72 students for this new school year. Their school year is from January to October, and their "summer" vacation is part of October, November and December. So anyways, I had gotten two donations from friends in the States, and they both said to use it in an orphanage, or to help children in some way. So, I went to this orphanage to ask what they needed most. After some thought and debating, they decided backpacks were the most urgent need, being that the school year was just starting and most of the kids didn't have one. So, I went to work, trying to do some bargain shopping. With $200 I was able to buy 45 backpacks for the kids! So they ended up with a couple extra's, for new kids that come into the orphanage, or when one of the bags gets wrecked. So, thank you, those who donated, and THANK YOU, Lord for providing this oportunity to shine your love and light to these children.
Que bueno mi amigo!!! Me alegro por eso.