Sunday evenings is youth group with our small church here in Zacapa. I am so excited on how youth group has been going! Our normal attendance is 6-12 kids. All of them are excited to be there, and to learn more about their Savior Jesus Christ! It is such a blessing to see the fire in their eyes and the desire to learn. Our church here has never had a youth group or much of anything for the youth before, so this is something new for them. And because of the lack of activity amongst the youth, when the kids become teenagers, they begin to look to other sources for fun and friendships, because of lack of activity for them in the church. But praise God that He has opened the door, and things are slowly moving forward! At first, everyone was shy, and didn't say much. But now, slowly but surely, everyone is starting to open up more, to answer questions, and ASK questions as well. The most exciting part is that they are almost all willing to share their thoughts, and even help lead some of the gatherings! We have started a system where each week, a group of 2 or 3 of the youth get together to plan each weeks session. So each month, EVERYONE gets the oportunity to prepare and share their thoughts and what they studied during the week. And we have found this is building friendships, and helping them to start standing up as leaders, as the youth are getting together even during the week to talk about and plan what they are going to talk about on Sunday. This is very exciting for me, because my hope and goal is that one day, if all the Americans pull out of Zacapa, that the church keeps growing and spreading the good news of Jesus Christ! It will not happen without leaders, so it gives me JOY to see that they are all starting to want to be an active part in the church!
Just last Friday we also spoke with them about teaching the Sunday School. We are going to try involving them in also teaching the sunday school classes, and helping with special activities, to help them along in become active leaders and teachers in the church. The more they are involved, the more they will feel a part, and have a strong desire to keep studying God's Word, and sharing what Christ has done with them, with others. Our church is REALLY lacking leaders, and praise God that He is raising some up now! I eventually want to phase out my spot as a Sunday School teacher of the older kids, over to someone/or a group of someone's who will take interest in each students life, and spend time preparing and reading God's Word to bring the message to them. So please pray for our youth! God has been working powerfully in their hearts and lives, and I believe that God will use them all mightely for His kingdom! Pray for God to give them strength, and to give us all guidance as to where and what He wants us to do as individuals and as a body! Gracias.